Sunday, May 25, 2008

the purpose...?

Heya lovas, guess what?
I'm sneaking on.
it turns out I'm failing social studies for the time being, so I'm grounded until i get my mark back up.
but that hasn't stopped me :)
i thought I'd tell you, my dear reader, why I'm creating my very own blog.
i know some people use it like an Internet diary, or a gossip page, or a ranting area.
i think I'll be using it for all of those (minus the gossip), depending on my mood when i write it.
sounds good?
guess what happened last night?
i was babysitting my sisters last night.
lets see...
my sister tried baking cookies using baking soda instead of baking powder.
she also invited a friend over without my or my parent's permission.
another one sneaked off to a dance.
and the next morning they told on me cause i was on the computer when i was grounded.
dumb girls
i told on them right back :)
and guess who's in the deep shit?
not me ^.^


Saturday, May 24, 2008

My first.....

wow. my very first blog.
just wondering, does anybody read this?
or is this just another way for people to express themselves?
oh well, if you're reading, thank you!
if not screw you. (in the nicest possible way. :))
i have a lot of nicknames for a bunch of my friends, so I'll explain them right away so no-one is confused:
Amanda is my god: well, that's pretty much self-explanatory, lol. Amanda brown is one of my best friends, and we always have a blast in class together with Cheyllynne.
my figment: Kristen! we are each other's figment, its a long story, but because i feel chatty today, ill tell you:
me, Kristen, Samantha and Jordie were hanging out in a hallway during lunch. i cant remember what Jorde said, but i told him that we (Kristen, Samantha and i) are figment of his imagination and therefore took no responsibility for any actions we may or may not commit.
so at that point Samantha, being the angel she was (HAH) went to cover jorde's crotch with her hands. (yep, she did.), while Kristen and i pretended to kick jorde at the same time. what was really funny about it was that it wasn't rehearsed or planned or anything like that, and we did it all at exactly the same time.
i guess you had to be there to "get" it.
on facebook it says I'm married (not literally lol) to Ryan Farris. the story is is that my grandmother passed away not a week ago, so her will just came to us. in it i had received a diamond ring! but i was rather confused. i asked Ryan what need i would have for it, because was a guy (obviously). So he asked me to marry him! and you can probably guess my answer.
yes, you dimwit! :D
but it was all pretty much a joke!
so don't worry, I'm not one of those wierdo's that are really obsessed with people or anything like that.
just so you know.

oh geez.
i talked this entire time and didn't bother to even explain myself?
how rude of me.
well, lets see...
my full name is dylan. hill.
i'm canadian, and that about as much of my location as you're going to get.
i'm gay!
i have triplet sisters
i'm quiet, and soft-spoken.
i can be a little bit weird sometimes. (little? hah!)
i love reading books
i play video games a lot
i have a bit of an obsessive nature when it comes to hobbies
i'm very perky/happy/optimistic/happy-go-lucky
and my music tastes are... not mainstream. in the slightest.
so thats me in a nutshell! i'm sure you'll be able to find out more about me as i post more.
anyways i'm very tired. its 4:30AM right now!
so i'm off to bed. i might post a bit later if my sleep-addled mind missed anything
if not, i probably wont be on in a bit
long story, and i'm too tired to explain it now.
next time, lovas! (yes, i'm gunna call all of you "lovas" [as in "lovers", but slanged])
